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Growing and sharing healthy food

We grow a wide range of seasonal fruits and vegetables using sustainable, organic farming practices. 


Our locations

In San Luis Obispo, our mild winters and sun-soaked summers are perfect for growing all sorts of good stuff!


173 Buckley Road in San Luis Obispo, CA

Firstfruits Farm SLO veggie field

Our 1 acre field is farmed year-round using organic permaculture practices. Each season, we adjust produce varieties to better support those we serve.


835 Serpa Ranch Road in San Luis Obispo

A close-up of flowers blooming in an orchard

At our 1/2 acre orchard, you'll find trees of all sorts! We're growing apples, apricots, lemons, nectaries, peaches, plums, pears, and oranges.

Growing practices

We believe healthy soil is critical to supporting healthy people! We don’t use any synthetic herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers, or genetically modified organisms, and are committed to actively stewarding our land through our growing practices.

Our main field features a warm season row crop area and a no-till, year-round raised bed area, all of which is managed using organic practices. We even have a worm bin!

Companion planting

Buddy plants naturally boost growth and deter pests.

Natural fertilizers

Local compost, coffee chaff, and our own worm tea infuse nutrients into the soil.

Crop rotation

Swapping crop growing locations for healthier soil.


Look for the blue bin in the volunteer shed!

Seed saving

Keeping seeds for the next growing season.

Drip irrigation

Saving water by nourishing plants drop by drop.


Attracting pollinators and providing wind protection for crops.


We purchase our harvest crates used from a flower grower.

Cover cropping

While main crops are on break, cover crops like legumes protect our soil.


It's a fancy name for our worm bin.

Non-chemical weed control

We fight weeds with mulching, cardboard, tarps, and our elbow grease.


It takes a community to feed a community! We partner with a variety of organizations around SLO County. Some donate land, some donate seedlings, provide nursery services, help prep our field with tractor work, recruit volunteers, or distribute produce.


SLO Food bank
New Life Church pantry
Estero Bay Kindness Coalition
People Helping People
Rock Harbor
Grace Central Coast


Pan American Seed
SLO Roaster Co
Son Care Foundation
Talley Farms
College Corps
Johnny's Selected Seeds
Hitachi Zosen INOVA (Kompogas)
Cuesta College
Harvey's Honey Huts
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